Pricing subject to change and is current and purchasable through the app.
1 Category Listing
2 Category Listings & 1 Coupon Advertisement
5 Category Listings & 3 Coupon Advertisements
Listed on the front page of directory.
250px x 250px Easily viewable when app is launched.
320px x 50px Easily viewable when app is launched.
320px x 50px Advertisement throughout entire site not including home.
600px x 600px Listed directly on the events page and cycles through on home page.
Listed directly on the employment page.
Logo & company ad easily viewable when app is launched, Inclusion on marketing materials, featured directory listings, home screen sponsor slot, home screen advertisement, individual sponsorship page.
Logo & company ad easily viewable when app is launched, Inclusion on marketing materials, featured directory listings, home screen sponsor slot, home screen advertisement, individual sponsorship page, unlimited job postings, unlimited event postings, event online marketing.
Logo & company ad easily viewable when app is launched, Inclusion on marketing materials, featured directory listings, home screen sponsor slot, home screen advertisement, individual sponsorship page, unlimited job postings, unlimited event postings, event online marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing.