{ Everything Shale

“Reject Rex” projected on State. Dept. headquarters

Images with slogans like “Reject Rex” were projected onto the walls of the U.S. State Dept. in Washington Monday night, ahead of former Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson’s nomination hearing before the U.S. Senate Wednesday.

The environmental group Greenpeace took credit for the guerrilla ad campaign in an email Tuesday morning, also crediting the groups Other 98% and Oil Change International.

“Rex Tillerson has no diplomatic or government experience and a long track record of putting Exxon's profits ahead of U.S. interests,†Greenpeace USA Climate Liability Campaigner Naomi Ages said in a statement.

Tillerson’s nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled for 9:15 a.m. Wednesday in Washington. Tillerson is expected to take tough questioning from Democrats, on issues including his company’s activities around climate change and his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Following a meeting with Tillerson, U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, said Monday, “I still have significant questions about Mr. Tillerson's foreign policy views and how his four-decade career at one of the largest oil companies in the world prepares him to be our nation's top diplomat.”

