{ Everything Shale

Gasoline Futures Surge 12% in December to New High

The gasoline futures contract traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange surged 12% in December, with reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending futures establishing a new calendar year high for 2016 at $1.7038 gallon between the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays. Gasoline futures outpaced the advance by West Texas Intermediate and ULSD futures in December which both rallied 9%, as bullish sentiment took control of the market.

Spurring the market’s bullish psychology were agreements to reduce production by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries on November 30 joined by a companion pact on December 10 when 11 non-OPEC producing countries also agreed to cut output. Combined, the two agreements call for a 1.758 million bpd cut in production that, if adhered to, would push global oil demand over production midyear, according to several analysts including the International Energy Agency.

The agreements took effect January 1 and are for six-month terms, although country commitments call for an average at the quota level to be reached by June, so some production cuts might not start right away. This feature could puzzle analysts during the interim as they scrutinize monthly production data for compliance, likely sparking increased price volatility.

Noncommercial traders, also known as speculators since they are not using a futures contract to underpin a physical position in the underlying market, covered short positions and accumulated long positions in NYMEX RBOB futures in reaction to the November 30 agreement. A long position is taken on expectation prices would move higher over time.

A rebalancing market will still need to contend with an abundant quantity of oil in inventory. However, the production cuts would gradually chop down the ...

