“New” Anti-Fracking Group Just a Relaunch of Old So-Called Local Campaign

A pair of Washington D.C. based political activist organizations appear to be rebranding their Colorado anti-fracking campaign by launching a “new” group called the League of Oil and Gas impacted Coloradans, or LOGIC. Put simply, LOGIC is just the latest attempt by nationally focused groups, Clean Water Action and the Clean Water Fund, to put a “Colorado” face on a national agenda.

A report from Complete Colorado provides the details on how these groups are simply relaunching their old campaign, “Fracking Front Lines”, (an effort to pressure Colorado’s oil and gas task force), under a new name. From Complete Colorado:

“Today, heading into the 2016 election, the Fracking Front Lines campaign has relaunched under a new name: The League of Oil and Gas Impacted Coloradans (LOGIC). It is led by Sara Lu – also known as Sara Lu Loflin – the same Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund operative who was in charge of Fracking Front Lines. As you might expect from a newly launched anti-fracking group in Colorado, LOGIC immediately denied being anti-fracking. “We are not pro-or anti-fracking,” LOGIC declared in a statement and again in an interview with The Colorado Independent. Clearly, anti-fracking activists in Colorado must be hoping public officials and the press can’t remember what happened two years ago.”

Despite Loflin’s claims to be neither “pro-or anti-fracking,” her history shows that she may be taking a more aggressive stance against fracking as LOGIC’s executive director than she is letting on. Writing in a Spring, 2014 Clean Water Action View Full Article