{ Everything Shale

Pipelines Carrying Marcellus Gas Are Improving Health, Saving New Yorkers Millions

“Ironic” doesn’t even begin to describe the situation in New York when it comes to the subjects of fracking and natural gas. First, the state banned its own residents from producing the shale beneath their feet in 2014, while in the same breath calling for more natural gas usage. Now, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has blocked necessary pipelines to bring that gas into New York City despite having ample evidence of the health and economic benefits similar pipelines have created.

Scott Waldman discussed New York’s reality — one in which the Cuomo administration acknowledges new pipelines are absolutely necessary — in a 2015 Capital New York article,

“The future of energy in New York involves miles and miles of pipelines carrying natural gas from other states, a notion that has been reinforced both by Governor Andrew Cuomo and the governors of New England states that are also pushing for more pipeline infrastructure. New York and New England are increasingly powered by natural gas, thanks to the nation’s fracking boom.” (emphasis added)

Still, the Cuomo administration continues declining to approve any new pipelines. Here is a look at why the New York Post nailed it this week by referring to this contradictory policy as “hysteria.”

Major Health Benefits

New York City has seen tremendous health benefits over the last few years thanks to a major shift to use of natural gas for heating and electric — and that gas has been brought into the city via pipelines. The National Journal highlighted some of these benefits in a 2014 article, View Full Article

